Aging is Everyone's Business
LiveOn NY + Brookdale
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About this PSA

With New Yorkers living longer and healthier lives, our city is presented with the opportunity to foster a better future for us all as we age. This PSA aims to show that “Aging is Everyone’s Business” in a newly released policy agenda by LiveOn NY and Hunter College’s Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging, which seeks to inspire the City’s incoming elected leaders to make New York a better, more equitable place to age.

About the Organization

LiveOn NY is a membership and advocacy organization. Their membership includes more than 100 community-based nonprofits that provide core services which allow all New Yorkers to thrive in our communities as we age, including senior centers, home-delivered meals, affordable senior housing, elder abuse prevention, caregiver support, NORCs and case management. With their members, they work to make New York a better place to age.Hunter College’s Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging is CUNY’s aging research and policy center, located at Hunter College. Since 1974, the Brookdale Center has been working to improve the lives of older adults through research, professional development, and advancements in policy and practice. They work to ensure that aging is framed not as a disease, but as another stage in the life course.