Community for Good
RiseBoro Community Partnership
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About this PSA

RiseBoro's new PSA emphasizes the power of community care in uplifting lives in Brooklyn and beyond. Prioritizing community health, RiseBoro emphasizes the crucial role vaccination plays in ensuring a safer, healthier tomorrow. As champions of well-being, RiseBoro encourages all to explore their diverse programs, spanning support for seniors, housing initiatives, health services, and a vital food pantry. Join RiseBoro in fostering a healthier and more resilient community.

About the Organization

For the past 50 years, RiseBoro Community Partnership has been dedicated to realizing a vision where your zip code doesn't dictate your health outcomes, housing stability, or economic power. Through a legacy of community service, RiseBoro continues to work towards building a city where everyone has equitable access to opportunities and well-being.