Creating a More Just Future
Avenues for Justice
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About this PSA

Each year, Avenues for Justice (AFJ) diverts hundreds of young people from incarceration and on a better path forward to success. After serving a record number of 671 Participants in 2024, AFJ continues to help create a more just future for its participants, community, and staff in 2025, by continuing to provide free court advocacy and wraparound services.  

About the Organization

Avenues for Justice (AFJ) is a NYC non-profit organization that has continued to provide free-post arrest support to at-risk youths for over 45 years. As one of the first Alternative-to-Incarceration (ATI) programs for youth in the country, Avenues for Justice has protected NYC’s court-involved and at-risk youth from incarceration, replacing cells with services. AFJ provides free on-going court advocacy along with their HIRE UP online and onsite enrichment programs for workforce training, education, mental health and mentoring to over 600 young people, ages 13-24, each year.