In NYC's last municipal election, only 23.3% of New Yorkers cast a ballot. And only 11.1% of eligible 18-29 year olds voted. When young New Yorkers don't participate in elections, they're leaving their collective power on the table. Voting is your opportunity to make your voice heard. On a local level, this can be even more important—your city council members and local elected officials are accountable to the interests of your community specifically. By advocating for your beliefs on this local scale, your day-to-day life can be affected. Voting in local elections is also an opportunity to get in touch with local issues and further understand your neighborhood; So, cast your ballot on June 27 (or vote early until June 25!).
YVote is sparking a cross-partisan youth voting movement through which young people connect their passions and beliefs with how they can make a difference, at and beyond the ballot box. Their youth-led, out-of-school programs bring socioeconomically, racially, and politically diverse high schoolers together to grapple with complex civic issues and current events in order to become informed, engaged citizens and leaders within their schools and communities.