Migraine At School
Migraine at School
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About this PSA

Migraine is a neurological disease affecting up to 28% of adolescents and 10% of school age children in the United States. Migraine can be characterized by many symptoms, including head pain, nausea and/or stomach pain, sensitivity to light and sound, and dizziness. The Migraine at School PSA strives to inform the public that this initiative provides resources for students, parents and educators to help reduce absenteeism and lower chronification of the disease.

About the Organization

Migraine at School is an initiative of the Coalition for Headache and Migraine Patients (CHAMP), in partnership with the Danielle Byron Henry Migraine Foundation (DBHMF). In partnership with coalition participants, they have gathered the best resources and information for students, parents, and educators to ensure kids with headache diseases are given the best opportunity to excel in school.